Create Enhanced Value and Increased Real Estate Appraisal Price
There are the more expensive and time-consuming things you can do to get a greater appraisal price and higher bids with ultimately, as high a sale price as possible.
There are the more expensive and time-consuming things you can do to get a greater appraisal price and higher bids with ultimately, as high a sale price as possible.
Knock a wall out and put in a fake wall or renovate to add a hidden sliding door or some concealed stairs or an unknown room, only known to you for your valuable property and a protected safe.
Imagine a display room designated specifically to show off your prized possessions! Somewhere you can show off these priceless items.
You want to purchase a fixer upper because it is a great investment but it could cost a fair penny and a ton of time to get it into livable condition.
Once your attic is completed, you can add this extra square footage to your home’s overall living area. This increase of space translates into a higher value and sales price for your home.
A beautiful home doesn’t only mean a modern kitchen and a clean bathroom. If you want your real-estate property to become a conversation piece, you must increase the curb appeal of your home. Consider a few exterior home renovation ideas to make your home beautiful from the outside.
With a little planning, you can take all those empty and often overlooked spaces and turn them into functional accessories to enhance your living space and open floor space for other things.
Whether it was kitchen remodelling in Burnaby or basement renovations all along the new SkyTrain Evergreen Extension through Port Coquitlam, Coquitlam, Port Moody or Burquitlam, we have done it all.
TOTL Building & Design Ltd. is a privately owned and operated company serving the Vancouver and Lower Mainland since 1999.
Address: TOTL Building & Design Ltd
2113 – 1225 Kingsway Ave
Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1S2
Phone number: 604.880.4095
Email: drew@totlbuilding.com